This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, May 30, 2005


I'm home. What else is there to say? The last week has been a whirlwind of activity from last weekend's CNERS conference (May 20-21), going to Seattle one last time on Tuesday, my family's journey to Vancouver for graduation on Thursday, packing up all my stuff for the movers on Friday, Whistler on Saturday and finally one last dinner out with friends before returning to Toronto this morning. Yikes, it's been a lot of stuff coming on all at once. It's good to be home but at the same time I am not quite sure that it has hit me yet... I won't be going back to school in Vancouver. It's a pretty scary thought right now, although U of T's acceptance as a non-degree student was waiting for me when I got home. At least my Plan B is sort of falling into place.
Tomorrow I start work, god knows why I was foolish enough to tell them I would start the day after I got home, but I did. I think it's mainly to keep myself moving because I am not good at accepting and dealing with change. At least until the weekend, my mind will be occupied with work and unpacking all my stuff. I am a bit peeved that all my other stuff (books, computer, etc.) isn't here yet but at the same time I would be too overwhelmed if I had it all here to unpack right now.
Anyways, I am going to unpack one more suitcase, make tomorrow's lunch and pack my bag and then hit the bed early. Even though technically I am on PST time, I am definitely ready for lots of sleep. Too bad I have to wake up early for work. :(

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