This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Friday, May 20, 2005

Worn Me Down

I am ever closer to finishing the essay. I am over 4000 words now (approx. 4200) and close to finishing up three sections and then only 1 more full section to write. I may possibly be able to take this with me to the keynote speech at the CNERS conference tonight. Cross your fingers.
We had some massive thunderstorms tonight. One loud clap of thunder occurred directly over our house and sounded like a bomb exploding. It was a bit insane, with the lights flickering, threatening to go out. Torrential downpour, lightning, but alas, no hail. Maybe in July.
On the Weather Network, the map of Canada showed almost every part of the country had thunderstorms in some area, all at the same time. I have never seen that happen before... I predict a nasty tornado season coming out of this.

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