This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Saturday, November 20, 2004

A Change Would Do You Good

The change is done! As you can see I am having a few growing pains. I really don't want my side bar at the bottom of my page so I am trying to tweak that but it might take some time for me to figure it out. Please bear with me as I try and create a better looking blog.

Weekly Update:
This was the most tiring week I have had at UBC yet. I had two seminars this week to prepare for and I did an awful lot of procrastination to avoid writing them too. Sometimes I wonder if I spend more energy procrastinating than actually working. I am sure I do, but I just need that pressure of a deadline to keep me in check. Oh well... someday I will learn better.
With seminars for the semester over, I only have 3 essays to write. Gulp! Yikes... sometimes the easiest part of a course is prepping an hour long lecture. The essays... those are another story.
It hasn't helped that the department has kept the grad students on our toes with Guest Lecturers in the past two weeks. We have had 7 lectures to attend on top of class and other work. It's insanity! However, I have now seen some of the top experts speak on Linear B, Roman Concrete Construction and Sicilian coinage.
Ok enough chit chat. I am hungry and pissed off that I couldn't figure out this template transition all in one go. However, I am grateful that maneuvering the side bar is really the only obstacle I have had so far.
Until we meet again... I am going to have some lunch.

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