This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Slooooow Moooootion

Today is taking forever to pass by. The office is dead, I am walking around it in a daze. I want to read my book but that is just not what I get paid to do and since I am not protected by a cubicle, everyone can see what I am up to.
Gosh and I are going to try and get some more Dave Matthews tix for a show in June. It could be the last time I see him for a while so this is our last DMB concert for an unforeseen amount of time.
Can you believe it's already March? January and February passed by in a blur of grey skies and wandering temperatures. Soon enough field season will be upon us. The 6 month countdown to England starts this month too... question of the year: will I be able to afford tuition & living expenses for Year One by September? Somehow things have got to work out, I hope. There are days when I look forward to it immensely and others when I just have a total panic attack over how inadequate I feel. Can I prove to myself and others that I have the mind to produce a good thesis and overall contribution to the world of Roman archaeology? I suppose only time will tell. I think I am mostly worried about two things. Firstly, I worry that all the money I have so far invested will have gone to waste in the end and secondly, I worry that I won't be good enough to have the career I want, doing something I truly love.
If there is any word to describe my twenties so far it would be "uncertainty". It's funny how you can know things are so right for yourself but at the same time be entirely uncertain of how it's all going to work out in the end. The stupid thing is that things have gone along as planned so far, but the anxiety is still there. Paranoid much?

On another note, why is it that cats always puke right where you hope they won't? Yesterday evening, one of the terrible trio coughed up their dinner right in the middle of the upstairs hall landing, on white carpet. It was hard for me to figure out who did it since all three were skulking around it like it might be a good idea to gobble the mess back up again. I have my suspicions on who it was, but frankly I was preoccupied with cleaning it up as quickly as possible and then cleaning the carpet. Those cats are quite amusing lately. Mika, who has always had a voracious obsession with food has been declared overweight by the vet and must lose 3 pounds. Stanley and Kia, who are at decent weights however, have now somehow developed the same food obsession as Mika.
In an even more bizarre development, Kia now lifts her front paw in the same manner as Stanley, who only ever did it to begin with because Mika bit his paw last year and then he limped around on it for a while. This activity pre-dates Kia's arrival although Stanley has kept up the habit of lifting his paw when he sits down so she has seen him behave this way.
It seems as if all their personalities are warping together into one massive cat personality that could destroy our house if it got out of hand. If that should happen I think I should publish mugshots just in case they get crazy. Photos of the criminals will be posted later today. I don't think Kia has made her photo debut on here yet, so that could be something to celebrate.

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