This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Sunday, March 28, 2004

Ah dear Blog,
It's nice to be back! I would much rather write here any day than write presentations or essays but that has been my life lately. April appears to even more booked in terms of essays and papers. Currently there is a bit of confusion in one of my classes about when our final presentations will take place. They were originally scheduled for the last day of class (April 8th) but somewhere along the way our prof said we could discuss it amongst ourselves and choose an appropriate date and now of course most people want to put it off for another week but I cannot accept that. I am going to have mine ready as soon as possible but really... our final exam depends on when we have these presentations so we should have them sooner than later. It just bothers me that we were going to have them on the 8th as arranged earlier in the semester and so people would have had to deal with that and their other work assignments accordingly but now this gets the back burner when they have the option to get rid of it. My reasons for having it as soon as possible and sticking to the original schedule is that for some reason my last few weeks of April are when all my exams and essays are due so I really need as much time as possible at the beginning to get some studying and writing done but if I have presentations well until the middle of the month that is not going to happen. I'm just irritated with the whole situation.... God what a rant I have just written.

So ... this weekend has been a bit more relaxing than the past few weekends where I was madly writing up presentations. I decided to slow the pace a bit because I haven't been getting enough sleep or something so I need to chill out for a bit.
I am keeping my eye on housing ads and more seem to be going up everyday with pretty good prices and stuff. I have no idea what the places really look like but I think I am going to have to wait until April hits because most ads right now are for possession on April 1st and I really cannot deal with that at the moment. As it is I will likely have to buy some furniture for the place I live in next year and that will kind of suck because my line of credit will be approaching its limit soon. Yikes! ugh more money worries. Time to do some aggressive scholarship applying.

I can't wait for school to be done this term. I am tired and need a break. My job this summer will be physically tiring but hey... at least it will kick my ass into shape!

I have decided that next year after I graduate from this program that I will go to Italy for some travel and then participate in the dig on Sicily that is provided by UBC-Stanford University. I think its time I finally saw the other country that I study. If possible I think it would be great to do a bit of the western Peloponnese and Northern Greece that I didn't get to see before but this is up in the air still. I need to figure out a way to finance myself until next year and then figure out how to finance a trip. Ah well... it will work itself out and it is something to look forward to.

Dave has just invested in a new 8-track so he has been in recording heaven and hell for the past week. Hell, because it runs on digital technology and it's been a bit tricky to learn the functions but in heaven because it gives him so much more flexibility with the editing of his songs than the 4-track did. Not to mention he only had joint custody of the 4-track and it never seemed to be available in his time of dire songwriting need. Someday I am sure he will have to own his own 4-track just for simplicity but I think he is really going to grow to love that 8-track. And soon there will probably be another investment in a data card so he can store more songs that are in the works. I am glad someone is enjoying the end of their term at least. :)

Anyhow I will try and check in more often as for the moment assignments and such seem to be in a little bit of a lull. Check ya later!


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