This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Pancakes & Nightmares

The last two nights have been utter hell. Yesterday I woke up paralyzed from a nightmare that my father had died from a heart attack. I literally could not move for 45 minutes because I was so shocked, scared, and grieved. This caused me to be late to catch the bus so I drove Jen's car to school and then got a fucking parking ticket even though I was back at my car on time. I think UBC parking services is running a scam where meters run the time faster than they should. Needless to say, I am appealing the ticket. It's not like I wanted to be at school longer than the allotted class time anyways. Jerks.
Anyways, to keep with the death theme in my dreams, last night it was Mary-Anne's mom who had died and she is just the sweetest lady ever. That was also quite heartbreaking to wake up from. I have no idea what is going on with my brain but I am not sure it's doing well at all. Part of that dream included going to some tea room in Stratford where the entire cast of Road to Avonlea now worked. That would suck a lot to go from a cheesy Canadian television show (and a steady paycheque) to working a tea room in Stratford. They all seemed pretty damn happy to be there though, but then again maybe their paycheques were dependent upon their cheery mood.
I also had a migraine when I woke up. It's no wonder I cannot focus on getting anything done lately.

I finally finished Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell yesterday. Now there is no excuse for me not to be reading books on the Comps list. I just cannot bring myself to read entire books on Roman mosaics, construction techniques, Greek sculpture, and all the other crap they expect us to regurgitate on those exams. I'm guessing that after Reading Week I will be suitably freaked out enough to start reading frantically.

Jen and I ate pancakes for dinner yesterday. I don't eat them that frequently so I always forget how filling they are. After eating three I felt like the Staypuft Marshmallow man for the rest of the evening. It was truly disgusting but I guess that one meal kind of balances the rest of the day when I didn't eat much at all.
Jen also informs me that Zach Braff has a blog so I am going to have to check it out. We watched Garden State the other day (my third time, Jen's first) and I must reaffirm that I do love that movie. It was definitely the best movie I saw last spring (with an adult theme at least because I did also enjoy Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban).
Anyways, I just realized my entire morning has disappeared and it's 10 minutes to 1pm. I have class at 2pm and I am still sitting here in my pajamas. Fuck!

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