This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Twenty-something Wasteland

I woke up today with the intention of going to the gym. This thought in itself is more exercise than my body has seen since before Christmas. Sad, I know. Sure, there has been a lot of mental preparation for the undertaking of exercise, but damn it, winter just makes me fucking lazy. I really should get back into the pattern because I am paying to use a facility that I don't ever go into. What happened instead was I got up and dressed in my workout attire but then the computer called to me. I turned it on, checked some email, sort of checked out some sources on Rome, checked an amusing blog that Jen had mentioned, and then the morning was gone. I feel like time is slipping by rather quickly and I have nothing to show for it. For a cheesy spin on things: 'Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives'.

Next Digression.
Thanks to our close proximity to the lovely USA (sharing a continent and all), all our 'awesome' (note: sarcasm) daytime programming has been given over to the farcical event known as the Presidential Inauguration. Not that I care because I don't watch much tv during the day, but on the odd occasion that I sit down to eat my lunch in our living room/kitchen and I turn on the tv, I don't want to see GWB's ugly mug on EVERY BLOODY CHANNEL. Makes me wonder what good the CRTC really is.
Tummy now hurting. I feel the indigestion coming on but I have yet to eat anything.
To put a sort of positive spin on things, at least this time around he was actually voted in. Although, that thought won't provide much future comfort.
T - 1460 days and counting...

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