This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, December 27, 2004

3rd Day of Christmas

Would it be the holidays if my sister and I didn't have a blowout during Christmas? Probably not. I am not sure how it started but Michaela probably just got on my nerves and then I let her have it on the drive home from Chapters. We both said awful things to each other, some of which are probably true. Although I have since tried to apologize, she is still very angry with me. We will see how long it takes for us to sit down face to face without screaming at each other. This could take days if she has the willpower.

Mel emailed me to tell me that she had received her German grade. I would like to have a decent holiday here at home so I have resolved not to check my grades until I am back in Vancouver in January. I keep praying that I did alright on the German exam because I don't think I can take another 12 weeks of it with that prof. I am also coming back too late to write the French translation test so I could be screwed here. I am not sure why I have had so much trouble trying to fulfill this modern language requirement but it has been a thorn in my side.

Anyhow, I am exhausted from the screaming match and feel that I need some quality time with some of my new gadgetry. Updates on familial discontent will follow.


P.S. Remember a week and a half ago when Jen and I tried to contact the 'other side' through white noise? Well, we scared ourselves silly on the first try because we actually caught something on tape but every subsequent try didn't work. I wish we hadn't erased that first recording because none of the others that followed had anything remotely like it on them. Not to mention no one will believe us...

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