This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Anybody Wanna Take Me Home?

Essay #2 is handed in... Essay #3 should probably be half written by now but ha ha ha, (sobering thought ahead) it is not. Call me superfucked, cuz that is what I am. Instead of writing interesting facts about Roman colonization in the mid-Republic, I spent the afternoon with Jen driving around in her sporty new Mazda 323 hatchback. The car has spirit that is for sure... we are brainstorming names for the little thing. Its colour is grey so we thought about Dorian... but a friend of mine has a grey tabby cat named that. The name Fabian came up and a discussion about the car's potential sexuality. See how tired I am? I discussed a metal object's sexuality as determined by its shape. Angular curves... an oxymoron.
This week is getting to be filled with pressure and I have succumbed by drinking a coke. It's my secret little addiction which I have cut back on significantly in the past year. I rarely drink pop anymore... mainly juice, water and iced tea... but still the occasional coke makes me very happy. I also think my coke addiction killed any effect that caffeine might have on me because I could drink litres of it and still have a good three hour nap whereas most people I know cannot drink anything with caffeine past three in the afternoon or they will be up til the witching hour. Speaking of the witching hour... it was my favourite Anne Rice book for years... and I believe I read a definition of the witching hour once and it is not midnight as most people would think but it occurs around 3am which I found a bit odd. I am not sure what all of this means. Words are jumbled in my head. Vocabulary is repetitive. I cannot write another 25 page essay. HELP!

P.S. We should all watch the History Channel on January 2nd, 2005 and watch the special on Hannibal which Greg was interviewed for last summer. How cool is that... I will have my VCR prepped to record... ah poor little VCR is also going the way of dodo bird.. I think it has also kidnapped my brain. *sigh*

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