This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, January 24, 2005

iPod Shuffle Toothbrush

Dave says this looks like the handle of an electric toothbrush and after looking at it again I am inclined to agree.

shuffle Posted by Hello

In other news, Laurier hasn't ushered in the age of internet resources. I cannot at all order transcripts on their website, nor can I order them via fax, email, or over the phone. What the hell kind of policy is that? It's bloody ridiculous when you live across the country. So far I have figured out that they expect you to fill out some PDF form and MAIL it to them. How fucking convenient is that, especially if you are on a deadline here? ARGH! I am so frustrated. I mean they managed to implement a WIRELESS NETWORK on campus before they could configure internet transcript requests. God... let's just hope they let Dave hand in a form with my forged signature on it tomorrow.

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