This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Friday, February 18, 2005

Aquae Sulis, Platform 9 & 3/4, and A Life in the Theatre

Since Tuesday the time has flown by as have the number of sites that I have seen. Tea at the Ritz was fantastic as we were catered to with special attention by the servers. I like to think that this was because we were the only table of young women whereas every other table consisted of families or grandparents. The sandwiches and tea were also ceaseless, until we stuffed our starving selves silly.
After tea I went on a Big Bus tour of London.
Wednesday, I went to Bath and saw the Roman ruins of the Temple of Sulis Minerva as well as other sites from the 18th and 19th century bathing resort.
Thursday, I went around London with Erin to random sites such as the Globe Theatre, Abbey Road and Platform 9 and 3/4 at King's Cross train station. Great fun was had. Last night we attended the West End production of 'A Life in the Theatre' starring Patrick Stewart (Capt. Jean Luc Picard) and Joshua Jackson (Pacey from Dawson's Creek). It was an excellent two man play and lots of views of the pair in their skivvies took place.
Today I have met up with Jenny in Oxford and we are now in Manchester visiting Greg and I will be here until Monday. Hopefully sporadic updates will occur... Talk to you soon!!!

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