This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, October 31, 2005


My favourite holiday is upon us again. It's hard to believe how fast time passes, especially since it feels just like yesterday that I was carving a pumpkin in Vancouver and introducing Jen to North American Halloween, which she hadn't really experienced since she was 5 years old.
It's been ages since I posted as well, so I felt this was the perfect night to make a comeback. I guess a lot has been going on, mainly that I have been doing a lot of field surveying so I am dead tired when I get home from work. Steve and I figured we walked about 100km of the shittiest fields ever last week.
Note to reader: BRAMPTON sucks. Brampton is located northwest of Toronto and is one giant claybed of awful land. The Natives were smart enough not to build villages there, which just makes me think that European settlers were desperate for the free land. It's really too bad we found two historic sites, which means that I could potentially be working there again next summer if I am placed on the Historic Crew again. Another lovely project for Mattamy homes.
This week I have been transferred to the Teston Rd. Ossuary crew where I basically do water screening, searching for pieces of human bone all day. But mainly, and let's not kid ourselves here, it is washing clumps of dirt. With the colder weather coming on, I can see this job getting unpleasant very quickly. We'll see how long I make it.
Anyways, this is just a brief message tonight. I hope to post more extensively tomorrow, but for now, have a look at this year's masterpiece pumpkins. My dad and I spent three hours carving them last night.

Skeleton Pumpkin Posted by Picasa

Headless Horseman Pumpkin Posted by Picasa

Cat Pumpkin Posted by Picasa

3 Pumpkins sitting in a row Posted by Picasa

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