This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Worlds Collide

Today is exactly 2 months until my 25th birthday and I feel kind of depressed. I feel extremely odd not preparing for school and I just don't know what to do about it all. I guess I should just suck it up because it's not like I am the only one to ever feel this way. I just feel weird and I want to dwell on it and be miserable. So there.

On this day in history, Germany invaded Poland in 1939 thereby setting forth the events which started WWII. Ain't history grand?

Today at work we were discussing The Onion and blogs and how someone (presumably one of our sorry asses) should start an Onion-like blog that totally ridicules Archaeology. For instance, a discussion about the very scientific fact (glorified by archaeologists everywhere), that if you lick a bone it sticks to your tongue, would be somewhat appropriate. This is a useless fact that you can learn very quickly on in university archaeology programs or through your own research into 'what the hell is archaeology' and 'why am I stupid enough to get a degree in it?'
Anyways, on the topic of blogs my blog came up and Aaron mentioned his unsuccessful attempts to find my blog. He knows I blog on blogger and he knows that 'dmcg' is somewhere in the address or title. I haven't told them that I call this place 'The Shadowlands' or any other distinguishing factors. I kind of enjoy that they are curious to see it but that I can dangle it in front of them like a carrot. It's not like I say anything bad about them or that they don't know me any better because they can't see what I babble on about "on the 'interweb'" as Wes says. I guess I just like having one weird geeky part of myself not revealed to them for the time being. I am sure at some point they will find it and not really care anymore, but for now, it would seem like world's colliding.

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