This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want

If you look to the sidebar of my blog, you may notice (if you are looking at the appropriate time) that it says it is 33 degrees in Toronto today. It doesn't really feel like that though; want to know why? Because it feels like 40 degrees!
Our new site is in Schomberg which is halfway to Barrie from Toronto, which doesn't sound bad if you know the geography of the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario, except that I meet my crew at McCowan Station in Scarborough in the east end and then we commute for an hour in the morning and at least 2 hours in the evening rush hour. I am greatly irritated by this. I am not sure if that is conveyed in my words here, but trust me, irritation is clear and present if you could see me in person. Also, the site is not one site but two sites right next to each other. Tenant farmer and landowner living side by side. The sites are called Rose and Thistle indicating the nationalities of the people who lived on the farm (English and Scottish, if you ignored your early Canadian history in Elementary school). Thistle is very aptly named because the entire field is full of shoulder high thistles. It took us about 3 hours yesterday to plot in 15 test units due to all the stamping of thistles that we had to do in order to move about without being prodded by spiky lances of plant. The dead and dried spiky lances actually hurt more if they prick you than the living green spikes.
Ok, I cannot continue this right now. My brain hurts from the heat and thinking. I'll come back to this when I feel a little more rested.

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