This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

J.C. Trull Site (AlGq-72) - Darlington, ON

As promised, here are some pics I took on our last day at Trull. You can see that it was a particularly bad haze day over the construction site. Normally you can see Lake Ontario because we are located right on the shore of the lake, but it can hardly be seen through the pollution at 8am. The construction site is currently on the first three fields in from Courtice Rd. and our site was in the fourth field. As a result, we could drive out across half of the Construction site and park with other workers' vehicles, but then we had to walk the other half of the way into our site, which was still somewhat sheltered from the nastiness of blowing dirt and noisy machines.

If you are wondering why the features like the root cellar are excavated in quads, it is because they are so big and the Ministry only requires that 50% of a feature be excavated as long as a satisfactory range of artifacts have been found. Excavating in quadrants also provides four profiles of the fill.

The well was not excavated, because it's not that safe to dig them out and it looks like a lot of the stones from the original circular retaining wall had fallen into it. Wells seem to be commonly filled into with field stones rather than midden material full of artifacts. Although artifacts have been known to pop out of wells and we did find some around the rocks at the surface.

I am really sorry that the photos of that pipe didn't turn out that well, but it is clear enough that you can get an idea of what it looks like. It came out of one of the test units that we placed in the midden.

Construction site at Darlington Posted by Picasa

Construction at Darlington - See the HAZE Posted by Picasa

8am - Darlington Construction Posted by Picasa

The filled-in well aka large pile of rocks Posted by Picasa

The Well  Posted by Picasa

Through the woods, to other 'finds' Posted by Picasa

Abandoned Car in the Woodlot Posted by Picasa

Yep, It's a Plymouth Posted by Picasa

It's seen better days Posted by Picasa

Collapsed Barn Posted by Picasa

Collapsed Barn2 Posted by Picasa

My favourite Tree at J.C. Trull Posted by Picasa

The Whole Root Cellar - Quads 1 and 3 not taken out. Posted by Picasa

Feature 15, Quad 4 - The Root Cellar Posted by Picasa

Feature 15, Quad 4 - The Root Cellar2 Posted by Picasa

Feature 15, Quad 2 - The Root Cellar w/ Drain at top Posted by Picasa

Feature 15, Quad 2 - The Root Cellar & Drain Posted by Picasa

Cross-section of the West Drain attached to Quad 2 Posted by Picasa

The midden with 1 test unit put in Posted by Picasa

Artifacts found on the surface of the midden Posted by Picasa

Clay Pipe - bad profile Posted by Picasa

Clay Pipe with Face on Bowl Posted by Picasa

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