This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Friday, September 30, 2005

Celebrity Stalking

Someone asked me at work the other day which celebrity I would stalk if I could. And by stalk, I do not mean the psychotic 'I want to take over your life' way. Just the 'I admire how beautiful you are, and I want to revel in that for 30 seconds, thanks' kind of way.
I think that due to my addiction to Prison Break and the extreme attractiveness of the lead character, I would stalk Wentworth Miller. Hey, he's beautiful AND named after a Jane Austen character. It doesn't get better than that.

Prison Break - Wentworth Miller Posted by Picasa

Wentworth Miller Posted by Picasa

P.S. For map/satellite photo geeks out there, you have to check out Google Earth which Greg told me about last week. I since have told Cassie (also a map addict) about it and then the next day I saw this cool news story about someone who used Google Earth to find a new archaeological site in Rome. Google Earth was definitely created for poor Archaeologists because it's so damn budget friendly.

I also happened to see this article today about Google's strategy to fuck with Microsoft... it made me giggle.

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