This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Quarter Century Birthday

Well, I've made it to the quarter century birthday. I don't have any deep insights on this except that I hope I live another 75 years. I wish this mainly because I realize I have a tendency that is kind of obsessive compulsive, where I like to tie things up into neat ends. A century long life seems like a good wrap up, but... now I have just realized this post is just idle nonsense.
Perhaps I should be re-examining my life so far, but I don't want to fall victim to that quarter-life crisis issue that John Mayer references in 'Why Georgia'. I think things are ok. Things could always be better, but they could always be worse as well. I am doing just fine sailing along at my own pace. So there!
This is me at 25, alive.

25 Posted by Picasa

Twenty-Five Posted by Picasa

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