This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, November 03, 2005

UBC sucks

So just to be clear... I hate my old department at UBC. They won't support my SSHRC application for god knows what reasons. They just won't. Technically they should not have the right to make these decisions for me (because I can qualify for SSHRC) but here they are, telling me they don't give a flying fuck if I cannot pay for school and they certainly won't do me any favours by helping me attempt to get funding for my PhD. That's a great department for you.
So, if anyone is considering going onto a graduate degree in Classics, Classical Studies, Classical Archaeology, Near Eastern Archaeology or Religious Studies at UBC, I suggest you take a good long look at how they treat their past and current students because you will be treated just as badly. It's no laughing matter. There is no support in finances or mentorship.

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