This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Sunday, February 20, 2005

Wuthering Heights

Yesterday we took a day trip to the lovely city of York which was absolutely awesome, although I think Greg, Jen, and I could have done without the biting windchill. It was hard to navigate the streets when all we wanted to do was sit inside the entire day. We tried to get to the Viking exhibition but the line up was massive. Instead we wandered around looking at various outdoor sites -- the Cathedral, a Roman column, the Roman wall, Clifford's Tower, etc. and had lunch in a pub called the Golden Fleece, which is supposedly a very haunted building and will be featured on the British show Most Haunted next month. I have seen this show in Canada but cannot recall what channel airs it. Jen thinks that it must be one of the Lifetime networks.
On the way home last night we stopped in Bradford where we had the largest naan bread ever -- well it was pretty big until we looked over at the group of 8 people behind us and their naan was even larger! I have photos and will post them next week.
Consequently, as we drove home through Bradford I noticed highway signs that stated that we were in Bronte country and I checked the map and saw that sure enough, Haworth, where the Bronte parsonage is, was nearby. Today I shall try and persuade Jen to drive back to Haworth although I have also been informed that we could try instead to go to Lyme Park which is also known as Pemberley in the 1995 BBC version of Pride & Prejudice. Lyme Park is much closer to Manchester and even though we won't be able to go into the house, we will be able to wander the park and see the infamous pond where Darcy swims.
If this were an ideal day, we could do all of these things but I don't think it will happen. We shall see, we shall see...

One last note: I am trying to figure out who has been reading my blog. I have known that Greg, and I think occasionally Sarah, surf past the blog but there is someone else from Ashburne who also reads it. I was wondering who you are and why you read my blog...? I assume you must know Jenny and occasionally since she refers to me on her blog that you check mine then too. Anyways, I was just wondering...

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