This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Saturday, April 16, 2005

Making an Offering to the Flood Gods

I want to laugh, but more than anything I want to sleep.
I am not sure if this was foreshadowing, but in my Topography and Monuments of Rome class this semester I had to do a little presentation on Fires and Floods in Ancient Rome. Last night, after I got home from studying I came into the apartment and realized that our front door area was flooded!!!!!
It took a while to figure out what had happened because the carpet looked like someone with a really wet shoe had stepped on it. Unfortunately, we realized it was where Jen had stepped with her shoe and then the carpet became saturated with water. Throughout the course of the evening the water spread into the kitchen area. The heavy downpour we had all day yesterday really didn't help things. We are not impressed and not sure what exactly happened but there is some deck renovation going on so we suspect it is related to that and the turning on of an old water spout that comes out of the back of the house behind our kitchen cabinets. Anyways, this morning our landlords rented a Shop Vac to suck up the water but the carpet is still pretty damn wet. There is a fan that is blowing between the carpet and the cement floor to dry things out. I still think we should have a de-humidifier to speed things along, but I guess Mary doesn't own one. Anyways, she said 'the professionals use fans to dry out flooded carpeting'. My response is: WHATEVER! Anyhow, it's been a bit of a nuisance because she woke us up extremely early to freak out about the situation. I just refused to pick up the phone; thank God Jen is a nice person and got up to deal with it even though I might as well have been wide awake, since I heard most of the ongoing proceedings through my door. I just buried my head under the pillows and comforter and refused to deal.
Another wonderful by-product of the mini-flood is how awesome the carpet smells. My favourite scent of wet dog is pervading through the apartment. I've shut myself in my room to prevent this from getting to me.
I could go on and on about what I would do to improve this apartment but since Jen and I have this bitch session about once a day, there is no real point in rehashing it here. Let's just say, we are both glad to be leaving it behind.
How goes the studying in the midst of this super exciting event, you may ask? Pretty shitty, if you ask me.

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