This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Rainy Tuesday

I slept with my window open last night because I feel like I am starting to suffocate in my own home. I must feel this way because I have spent the entire long weekend inside, save for a few moments where I went out for meetings and mass. It really was kind of pathetic. Anyways, sleeping with the window open was relaxing because I could hear the rain and get some fresh air, although I was bloody cold when I woke up this morning.
It's always nice to listen to rain when you want to fall asleep but it is definitely not nice to wake up, look out the window, and realize... the rain isn't going to go away today. The clouds look like they have become firmly entrenched in the sky over the city and I am pissed off! I actually have to leave the house for a class today! I should be happy because I get to leave, but I am not, because it is pouring and the chances of receiving a soaker are quite high. AND I JUST DID LAUNDRY YESTERDAY!!
I guess you can tell that I woke up slightly annoyed at the world. I think the stress is beginning to get to me.
By the way... why is Jerry O'Connell's brother the new Bachelor? I find it a bit ridiculous that he can't pull enough chicks for him and his brother. Anyways, I sat and watched that last night and realized that most of those women make me feel ashamed to be a woman. They are vicious, catty, bitches who act like this guy is the last one in the world. But to clarify, I will probably tune in next week just to watch how they will screw each other over next. And just two seconds ago, I thought life was getting mundane... Bah!

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