This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, March 21, 2005

Return of the Rain

For some reason Spring has had a bit of a stunted beginning in Vancouver. It's gone from sunny, balmy days to kind of cold and rainy. In fact, it hailed today. I am not sure what is going on, but maybe the weather is reflecting how chaotic my life feels at the moment. This next month is going to be hell. I have one more seminar to present tomorrow and from then on it is all comps studying all the time (except for an essay I have to write in that time too). I really have to pull off an impressive performance in less than a month! *gulp*

The last week has been quite busy. I went out for dinner 3 times last week which is unprecedented in my world, but it was good. Now I am back to being a poor student.
St. Patrick's Day was fun... went to class, sat in on a lecture by Lawrence Keppie, drank at Koerner's for a few hours and then went out to dinner. The rest of the week after that is a bit blurry. I recall going out for dinner again on Friday and the last Keppie lecture that was given on Sunday night, but the days are beginning to blur together. I think I am ageing rapidly... the 20s are becoming my years of mental and physical deterioration and I am fucking scared.

Michaela and I managed to score some U2 tickets for one of the Toronto shows in September, although the price is astonishing and I feel kind of queasy thinking about how I am going to pay for it. I am actually starting to look forward to having an income in the summer. I am also getting quite anxious about beginning to pay off the student loan... it's gotta start soon but it could take some time to pay off fully. I heard on the radio the other day that students who owe over $20'000 usually defect on loan payments and file for bankruptcy. It is most especially common with bank loans where students are paying monthly interest rates on the amount of money that has already been used. This is unfortunately the category where I belong and I don't know what to think of it all. I do not want to declare bankruptcy before the age of 30 and have to start building a credit rating all over again. It is fucking ridiculous in this country how much students are getting gouged on loans and repayment interest rates.

Anyways, for some lighter thoughts, this story came to my attention today and sort of made me cringe. What the fuck was this girl even thinking?

Now I must stop procrastinating and finish writing my presentation. I kind of think I can have it done by 10pm and possibly most of my powerpoint by midnight. Ah, goals... sometimes they are more lofty than I realize.

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