This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Road Rage

I got called a bitch today by the most moronic driver on the 401. He tried to change into my lane but couldn't because, a.) I was going too fast and would pass him so he would have had to wait which he did NOT want to do, and b.) his bloody dry cleaning was hanging in his blindspot so he couldn't fucking see me. As I drove by him my sister said that he mouthed the word 'bitch' at me which kind of makes my blood boil since he was the retard who couldn't drive fast enough to accelerate into the Express lanes AND he hung his stupid dry cleaning in his leftside blind spot. He was a real class act... put on a good show for his wife and baby who were also in the car.

Sometimes in situations like this I really seriously consider buying some white paper and making pre-arranged messages for idiots on the highway. As I drive by them I would hold them up. Such signs could include captions such as 'Use your signal' for idiots who think you are a mindreader and abruptly change lanes in front of you, or kind of pull the meandering wander in and out of your lane until they decide that, yes, they do in fact want to drive in front of you.
I was also thinking of the big 'Fuck You' sign and probably something related to tailgating for assholes who just don't get that they should get away from you if you don't drive at a speed of their liking.
But, as much as I like the idea of it, I just know I would be the lucky girl to have someone pull a gun out and shoot me in the face for being a smart ass. Maybe I should get a gun, because apparently everyone and their grandmother has one in Toronto now.

Ok, this is done. I need to get away from this post because my rage is starting to surface again and I really need to get to bed. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 6 degrees with a high of 11. I'll definitely be shivering in my rubber boots at the water screen. *Sob*

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