This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Berkeley Church Boxing Day Bash

Last night, I got plastered in a church, which was interesting since I've now spent more time in church in the past few days then I currently total all year. And most of that logged time was spent drunk. The current state of my religiousity is probably in need of a major overhaul, but I can't seem to get it together. It just hasn't been the same since I started university. I would say pure laziness keeps me away from mass, otherwise, I feel that I have a satisfying relationship with my religious beliefs which often includes me making up my own interpretations of the Catholic faith. A big no-no in the minds of the big guys in Rome, but things just seem so contradictory. These days I kind of delight in seeing how much ritual of ancient religion was adopted into the rituals of the Catholic Church. It makes me feel that different aspects of my life are connecting and I have chosen correct paths for myself. However, one must be mindful that the religious experience of 2000 years ago was completely different from the monotheistic practices of the modern world.
I think I just impressed myself with that reflection since I have spent the majority of today feeling deathly from the drinking. I consumed far too much alcohol in too short a time span and it's fair to say that the night was very eventful for all who attended. Now here I am 24 hours later, still feeling kind of ill, because I don't think I fully recovered my wits today. I know that I was still drunk when I woke up which is always a great feeling and a fantastic way to face the day. Mind you today was Tuesday, always the worst day of the week in my books, so it's not entirely surprising.

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