This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

Cats are taking over my house

I got called into the office this week and was hired for a job that was just recently vacated. I'll officially be an office lackey starting in January, which kind of sucks cuz it is a small office, but I'm not about to be turning down jobs that I barely had to do anything to get. All I know is that it's a lot of administrative duties with the occasional project. It sounds like I will also be learning more about lithics as well as getting cozy with Photoshop, Excel, and my dear friend Powerpoint. I am kind of nervous about it, but I think things will be ok in the end. On Monday I'm going in for the day to get some training from the girl who currently has the position I am about to fill, and then after that, I am on my own in January.
The good thing is that I have this job for the winter and as soon as spring comes, I'll be able to go back into the field with whatever crew I am placed on. The Historic crew is facing a bit of an upheaval at the moment, a bit of a re-arrangement in its membership if you will, so it should be interesting to see what arises out of that. I really really want to work with the historic sites again, but with my luck, I'll be washing more dirt at Teston.
Anyhow, the good is that I have a steady income, the bad is that I probably won't be going to the AIA conference in Montreal in January. It's alright I suppose because I hadn't registered for it or made any hotel arrangements, but at the same time, I really wanted to go and a lot of UBC people are apparently going, so it would be good to see them again. It may work out... it starts on a Thursday and ends on a Saturday. Maybe my first week at work won't be so hectic and I'll be able to pull something out of my sleeves. We shall see...
And to end this post, here are some cute pics of Stanley and Mika acting like they rule the roost. Stanley always chooses the most inappropriate places to sleep, like anywhere you might want to directly walk.

Mika heading for the Tub Posted by Picasa

Stanley sleeping on the stairs Posted by Picasa

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