This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

April's manic weather gives way to May flowers?

I know I've complained of our manic winter weather before and I really shouldn't be doing it again because March and especially April are so messed up when it comes to the seasons fighting for supremacy, but, I'm just amazed that it was 18 degrees and I got a sunburn last week and now this week it is snowing. It's too much of a mindfuck. STOP IT!
Things at work are a little busy right now. I go between the field and the office as needed and of course the field season is starting up so there is lots to be done on the Admin end of things... so much more that you never even realize what's going on behind the scenes when you're digging and filling out artifact tags all day. There was also a 3-hour long general staff meeting on Monday... I admit I had a "beverage" beforehand which probably helped me stay awake through most of it, or I was at least entertained by the buzz. I appreciate that I got to hear about all the projects that were finished in 2005 and what is slated for 2006, but it was so crammed that it reminded me of how graduate seminars used to be... get as many presentations as possible done in 3 hours... except in school we at least had a 15 minute break for snacks and bathroom breaks in the middle.

I've been reading the most god awful book ever this week but like a car accident you can't peel your eyes from, I have to finish this story because if I leave it hanging it might actually bother me that my suspicions of total suckage at the end are unconfirmed. More importantly I am glad I didn't BUY this book because I was interested in it at Chapters in the autumn. I opted instead to use my local library card and read it for free.
Man, I would have been pissed off to drop $35 on this pile of drivel. The funny thing is that there are all these glowing reviews on the back, but then again, I guess there will always be someone in the world that thinks one thing is pure genius whereas someone like me may not. Besides, it's not like I've had this book recalled on me yet and I have renewed it once. That alone should tell me that the masses are not clamouring to read it. I don't know what I was thinking, I guess I got sucked in by the little summary on the inside flap which is way more engaging than the author's own writing style. Sad, but true, this book BLOWS GOATS. Stay away! I think I will have to vow to next read a classic just to purge this crap out of my mind. Perhaps a return to the Count of Monte Cristo will be appropriate for this spring. It is one of my favourite books... and it's too early in the year for Pride and Prejudice. I haven't felt utterly in despair or in need of comfort yet this year so I'll need P&P in reserve for that, just in case.

So the Blue Jays had their home opener last night at the SkyDome* and they had a great first win over Minnie. Hopefully we will see that money spent on building a real team pays off unlike that other crappy team in Toronto that people still feel the need to drop $300 a seat on. Come on Leafs Nation... get fucking real. If you have to pay that much for a seat, there should at least be results. The eternal hope is mind boggling and a waste of energy. Yes, the NHL lockout embittered me deeply, mainly because the Leafs management chose to NOT improve themselves when they had the golden opportunity.
Turning to the Raptors who have also had a rough season, at least I can say that they have heart and they actually aren't a bad team. They consistently score over 100 points in a game and are always within two or three baskets of the win. I just don't know what happens in that last quarter that makes them drop the lead or the hope of securing the win. But perhaps my point here is that I can actually afford to go to a Raptors and Jays game. Seeing the Leafs? Not a chance.

*aka the Rogers Centre but I can't bring myself to call it that -- Have I mentioned that I loathe arenas named after their corporate owner? It's stupid... I understand that Ted Rogers feels the need to stamp his name all over TO but couldn't it be called the Rogers SkyDome?

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