This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Slumming in Scarborough

I've been out of commission for a few days due to my annual spring cold which left me knocked flat on my ass on Friday. Thursday was spent out at the Guild Inn in Scarborough doing some test pitting and I can't believe that I have never made the time to go hang out at the Scarborough Bluffs. I blame it on the fact that I didn't ever really spend much of my summer vacations in the city when I was a kid. The bluffs are like another world, it didn't feel like I was in Toronto, yet it was a mere 20 minutes from my house..
The most interesting thing about the property is that the owners of the Guild Inn property have collected architectural pieces of old buildings that were going to be demolished (from downtown Toronto) and they have set them up throughout the gardens. As a result it feels like you could be walking through the ruins of Athens or Rome yet you remember that you're in Canada. Of course the architecture is all neo-classical, but still it's like a little wonderland, you can almost imagine that on a hot July day with all the flowers and trees in bloom that you might be in Europe on a spring day. I'll definitely be heading back in the summer with my camera and some friends.

Since I was ill on Saturday as well my weekend didn't really start until Sunday when I felt a bit better and of course by that time I just felt ripped off because my weekend was gone.
Sunday was spent exploring a bit of Morningside Park in Scarborough where you can still see the effects of last August's flash flood and then the evening was going to see 'Thank You for Smoking'.
That movie is absolutely hilarious. There's not a dull moment -- probably because it is perfectly paced at 90 minutes -- and the dialogue is very witty. It's not even really about the smoking industry as much as it is about the use of rhetoric and clever argumentation. I definitely recommend going to see it. You'll definitely appreciate some of the conversations had by the so-called 'merchants of death'... I think I might have to go see it again.

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