This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Monday, May 08, 2006

Quid nunc?

Went to the pub last night to plan the fantastic voyage for May 2-4 weekend and ended up getting a wee bit trashed.
My friends noted that it was amusing that I needed Friday and Saturday to get over the work week and then my real weekend started Sunday night, right before the new work week.
It sucks because it's true and it's cruel that work weeks are 5 days and weekends are only 2, because I could really relax a lot more often if I figured out a way to just stop caring about all the shit that hits the fan during the week. Just another valid reason to institute some more long weekends in the summer.
Anyhow, some heavy drinking was just what I needed to relax, recover from the most fucked up weekend I have had in about 9 months, and to teach my facial muscles to smile again. They still work people, they still work!
And while I felt disgustingly hungover this morning, the work day was pretty good, almost a complete 180 from the horror of Friday. I say almost, because not everything was perfect, but I'll take what I can get.

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