This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I wonder as I wander

I'm back in London wandering the streets as only a foreigner does, except that I seem to do this in every city I go to, especially the ones I live in, so I guess that I just wander like me instead of a tourist.
Random thoughts aside, today I finished off my tour of duty at the British Museum and I never made it to the Victoria and Albert. I think that is what I will do tomorrow and I will try and make it to the Temple Church (made famous in The Da Vinci Code) and a play. I am thinking that I really want to see 'The Woman in White' which is Andrew Lloyd Webber's newest play and based on the Wilkie Collins novel which is excellent. I believe that the novel 'The Woman in White' was the first mystery novel written in English literature and Wilkie Collins was also friends with Charles Dickens, so sometimes they have similar elements in their work. Michael Crawford who played the original Phantom is part of the cast so it could be quite good; if it is then I will buy the soundtrack. (I think that was an improper use of a semi-colon but who cares?)

Last night, a few hours after I arrived back here from Manchester I went on a Jack the Ripper walk of London with the author Donald Rumbelow who is one of the leading experts on the subject. It was a great tour although the weather was quite cold and at one point it was snowing. In the past week there have been some very cold days and over the weekend, Greg, Jen, and I noticed that it was trying hard to snow in Yorkshire and in Chestershire. Finally, as I was on the bus into London yesterday afternoon, the sky managed to produce a flurry of snow and it seems to have kept on doing so sporadically ever since. It does look quite nice against the skyline but it's just wet and doesn't stick on the ground. So basically I am annoyed that it is cold and snowing here, but it is still winter so I guess I cannot be too pissed off.

My time here is quickly coming to an end and I think that I am alright with that. There is a lot of stuff that I would still love to see and do but I can do it another time. I feel quite settled and comfortable in this country, although it sucks not to have a place that is just mine to live in. I think this is a sign that I am ready to go home since I am certainly not in the (financial) position to move here just yet. Besides, even if I do end up in a British school next year I certainly won't be in London, but I am tempted to rethink putting my application in at UCL or KCL.

Anyways, I am ready to go and sit on Susan's couch and watch pointless British soap operas. Susan is addicted to Hollyoaks so I think we may just be watching that. It's bad I know... at least I can quit it when I go home.

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