This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, May 11, 2006

Separate Heart from Head

I'm addicted to reading the self-help columns in newspapers and it's usually one of the four things I make time to read in the morning while eating breakfast before work. My order is usually this: headlines, weather, self-help column, horoscope. Self-help and horoscope are usually on the same page so it's almost a two for one.
The column published in the Toronto Star is called "Ellie" after the writer (I'm sure she isn't only local and must get wider readership than just the TorStar) and she always has a Tip of the Day at the end; something important gleaned from one of the day's featured letters.
Today's tip was:
"'The right timing' for a relationship is about mutual attraction meeting mutual needs."
I think this is something that is fairly logical but often gets lost in the struggle to make sense of affairs of the heart.
So, I'll just keep reminding myself of it whenever I get all mixed up, and hopefully that will encourage me to sit back and process things before I get all "fiery" with the rage or other relevant emotions.

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