This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Thursday, May 25, 2006


It may be trivial to be so upset over a show being cancelled but I am pissed off about this, even more so than misplacing my iTrip. Speaking of... little iTrip I would like you back.
Just read the following and be appalled.

What the Hell! 7th Heaven Killed Everwood!
And here we were directing all of our anger at One Tree Hill, when it turns out it was 7th Heaven's
last-minute reprieve that chopped down our precious Everwood! Shortly before CW's inaugural upfront presentation today, a well-placed source told me that Everwood was originally slated to be a part of the newbie net's schedule next fall. (In fact, there's still an Everwood page on CW's website.) But then the ratings came in for Heaven's "series" finale, and Ostroff ordered an 11th season instead. All of this was essentially confirmed by Ostroff herself when we went toe-to-toe earlier today at Madison Square Garden. Below is our brief Q&A.

Ausiello: There are a lot of angry Everwood fans out there. They just don't understand why it's the only "bubble" show not returning.
Ostroff: Everwood was honestly the toughest decision. It really was. We knew we wanted to make room on the schedule for at least one new drama.... And when you look at the shows that we're bringing back and what went with what, really, Everwood was the hardest show to fit into the configuration. It was really, really hard because the fans are really devoted.

Ausiello: One of the theories going around is that the moment you decided to bring 7th Heaven back, Everwood died.
Ostroff: (Crickets) It was, you know... it really came down to those two shows. It was such a tough call. Look, we're launching a new network, we wanted to have the best shot we could. Not only for the new network, but also for Runaway, which is a family drama.

Ausiello: Did you ever think about keeping both 7th Heaven and Everwood? They have a pretty good thing going on Monday night.
Ostroff: The thing is, Everwood couldn't really start the night. We looked at the ratings for Everwood, and leading off the night...

Ausiello: No, I'm talking about leaving Everwood where it is at 9 pm after 7th Heaven.
Ostroff: We wanted to put a new show on the air, and Runaway is a really good show. We couldn't have the whole schedule of returning shows.

Ausiello: What about giving Everwood a 13-episode commitment? That way, if Runaway tanks, Everwood could be on deck to fill in.
Ostroff: (Sigh) We wanted to try something new.

Ausiello: I hear the decision to renew Heaven was made after the ratings for the finale came in. True?
Ostroff: It [drew] over seven million people. It's hard to ignore that.

You know what else is hard to ignore? Five million pissed-off Everwood fans.

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