This one goes out to the ones I love. This one goes out to the ones I've left behind. A simple prop to occupy my time.


Friday, May 12, 2006

Missed Connections

A co-worker told me about the Craigslist 'Missed Connections' page and now I've become a bit addicted to reading all the postings I can. It's interesting that so many people who have seen each other in passing will try and get a message out there to that other stranger. Moreover I guess it's kind of a nice reminder that even though I often don't pay attention to the world or people around me, some people are taking notice, but they missed their chance.
Makes you wonder about who has noticed you.
I guess it's sort of like that old Dentyne commercial where the guy and girl see each other on the subway and she writes her phone number on the frosted glass, but he doesn't have a paper and pen to write it down. Meanwhile, all the other men around him certainly do.
Anyhow if you want to check out Craigslist, find your city and check the 'Missed Connections' under personals.

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